Thank You for Contacting Us

Thank you for contacting the rooms of Dr Peter Smith.

Please take note: E-mails are not considered to be our primary way of communication.

Your email has been received. While every effort will be made to attend to queries as soon as possible, the volume of questions and requests are simply too many to deal with immediately. We usually respond to emails within 48-72 hours. For urgent matters, please contact the rooms on 021-552-2975.

Please keep in mind that any administrative tasks taking place outside an appointment, i.e., issue of repeat prescriptions, motivational letters, completion of insurance forms, etc, will be billed according to standard
tariffs. As these duties do take time, please expect a waiting period of up to 7 days.

All script requests must be received 7 days prior to the script’s expiration date.

Please note that emails do not substitute for consultations and medical advice cannot be given via e-mail.

This practice is POPIA compliance and strict protocols are followed when personal records / information is requested.

Kind Regards,

Dr PJ Smith